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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  September 26, 2011 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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good morning, everyone, i'm tanya rivero. >> and i'm rob nelson. what an anxious day for investors after wall street's worst week in three years. financial analysts are keeping a very close eye on a bailout for the greek government, a move that could have worldwide impact. >> all eyes will certainly be on wall street's opening bell this morning. yes. also this morning, american hikers, shane bauer and josh fattal back in the u.s. after their release from prison and they're talking about the fear they faced there every day. they're being a little bit more open about their experience now here on u.s. soil. >> getting incredible details about what they experienced the last two years. great story there. later this half-hour, retro pop music bands that had limited success, let's say. national one hit wonder day on
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sunday. so we will put bands like ah-ha in the spotlight. this is our favorite story of the day. >> no question there. >> not at all. first, fears about the global economy are dragging down stocks overseas this morning. tokyo, hong kong, lower after a terrible week on wall street. >> the global economic jitters are affecting millions of savings and retirement plans. with more on that, here is abc's david muir. >> reporter: over the last week, stocks sank more than 6%, the worst week in three years, since the height of the recession. stoking fears we're headed for another recession or that we are already in one. in fact the last seven days have wiped away an entire year of gains. what you added to your ira, 401(k), children's college fund -- gone. and while the markets are watching washington and jobs in this country, they're also watching something else, greece. on the precipice of economic collapse. >> we absolutely are in a global economy. reality is europe is one of our biggest trading partners. if european economies are struggling, our economy pays the price.
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>> reporter: because in this global economy if greece defaults it could take down many economies of the european union with it. they already loaned greece hundreds of billions, they would be left with the tab. there is fear there could be a domino of bank failures. >> can they get the political strength, will from the people. if you are in germany last thing you want to do right now is have to bail out greece. >> reporter: now the european economies are on the verge of giving greece more money for their own economic survival. >> the world is in a danger zone. in 2008 many said they did not see the turbulence coming. leaders have no such excuse now. >> reporter: many economists fear help for greece is already too late, that italy could be next. essentially europe's version of what the lehman brothers collapse did to our economy here. david muir, abc news, new york. >> the clock is sticking. greece could default october 1. >> days away. >> timothy geithner fears if
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that happens there could be a domino effect. >> people think these are isolated problems they're so not. literally the world economy at stake pretty much. >> all linked these days. all connected. >> for better and worse. >> for sure. shifting gears. former hotel served as the cia station in the afghan capital of kabul has come under attack. gunfire and possibly an explosion went off last evening. near the building located in one of the most protected parts of the capital. in fact just block as way from the presidential palace. so far no word yet on any casualties. both u.s. and afghan officials are investigating. >> those two freed hikers are spending the night on american soil for the first time in two years after arriving in new york yesterday. josh fattal and shane bauer blasted the iranian government over their captivity. here is abc's jim scuto. >> reporter: arriving back on u.s. soil, they gave their first gripping details of a long, cruel imprisonment. >> we had to go on hunger strike repeatedly just to receive letters from our loved ones. many times, too many times, we
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heard the screams of other prisoners being beaten and there was nothing we could do to help them. solitary confinement was the worst experience of all of our lives. >> reporter: treated better than iranian prisoners, they say they were often blindfolded, occasionally beaten, and cut off from the outside world. >> we lived in a world of lies and false hope. most infuriatingly, they even told us that our families stopped writing us letters. >> reporter: for the first time we heard directly from them about how and why they were first captured. >> we did not know if we crossed the border. we will probably never know. this was never about crossing the unmarked border between iran and iraq. we were held because of our nationality. >> reporter: now that they are free, do they forgive their iranian captors?
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>> we want to be clear, they do not deserve undue credit for ending what they had no right and no justification to start in the first place. >> reporter: for their families they are just happy they're finally home. >> there is a huge burden lifted off of all of our chests, and so much joy. >> reporter: they were so cut off in captivity that they didn't know they were being freed until the morning they left that tehran prison. as for what is next, there is talk of helping to free other political prisoners around the world. but while sarah shourd and shane bauer were engaged in prison there is still no wedding date. abc news, washington. fascinating story. interesting tidbits, too. they stayed in good physical shape, using water bottles as weights. stayed mentally active, discussing books they both read. trying to keep the body and mind okay. a torturous two years. >> must have to do that to maintain your sanity in those conditions. so glad they're home.
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>> yes. new york's police commissioner made a startling admission about his forces anti-terrorism force. ray kelly told cbs last night that the nypd could not rely on the federal government to fight terrorism after the 9/11 attacks. without divulging details, kelly admits the nypd has the ability to take down a plane. the police have set up radiation detectors and surveillance cameras across the city. >> political news now, president obama weighed into the political race in a fundraiser in california attacking rick perry. mr. obama said, quote has anybody been watching the debates lately? you have a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change. end quote. now top of that perry is not faring better among republican voters. in fact, with more, here's abc's john hendren. >> reporter: as the republican presidential lineup takes shape, party elites are increasingly voicing a common theme. disappointment. >> i think these are very weak front-runners. >> rick perry is not prepared for the -- the pressure of the presidential stage yet.
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>> reporter: rick perry entered this weekend's florida straw poll heavily favored and with a texas sized swagger. >> it's great to be in the state that picks presidents. that's what florida does. >> reporter: he left humiliated and humbled, a distant second to herman cain, the man from godfather's pizza. >> there may be slicker candidates and smoother debaters, but i know what i believe in. i am going to stand on that belief. >> reporter: mitt romney early front-runner took third place struggling to muster enthusiasm of gop voters. >> there are a lot of republicans out there who want the perfect candidate, the candidate that will sweep them off their feet. right now they don't see that candidate. >> reporter: a point not missed by the comedy writers at "saturday night live." >> mitt romney might not be the perfect candidate but he is the perfect candidate in comparison to the other candidates. that concludes tonight's debate. as a reminder to chris christie, it's wide open, buddy. >> reporter: not entirely a joke. the republican disarray is so intense after
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perry's implosion, those close to new jersey governor chris christie say there is new pressure from leaders to recruit him to run. although he told abc's diane sawyer he is not interested. >> you are still saying categorically you are not running? >> i'm not running for president. i don't know how else to put it, diane, no. >> reporter: this week, chiftdy makes -- christie makes fundraising stops in missouri, louisiana, and california. a lot of time a long way from new jersey. sources close to christie say he has been besieged by big name republicans urging him to run. he has been telling them he is not interested in joining the fray, but the fact that senior party leaders are asking him to, speaks volumes. john hendren, abc news, the white house. >> hmm. >> fascinating. perry. >> palin. we don't know? >> end of the month. should know by friday. we'll see. >> wide open. >> your monday forecast, everybody. showers pittsburgh to cleveland. nashville, periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms, around the carolinas, atlanta much of the gulf coast.
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showers from milwaukee to detroit. chicago, indianapolis, saint louis. also wet and blustery in the pacific southwest. >> 56 in seattle. 76 in salt lake city. 69 in omaha. 80s, dallas to atlanta. 76 in boston. >> i must ask you how is the weather in d.c. this weekend because that's where you were, because you, you should know out there this morning, we are in the midst of an award-winning journalist. >> that's sweet. i do want to shout out to the association. they were very sweet. north american menopause society, north american award for excellence in media journalism. very nice. all the health reporting that i normally do for "good morning america" health. >> your other job when you are not filling in. >> day job. >> congratulations. well earned honor there. very cool. >> thank you, very grateful. it was very nice. >> hang that some where nice. >> not in the bathroom. >> not in the bathroom. all right. well, with the economy mired in this
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miserable slump, of course everyone is looking for new ways to save a few bucks, especially when planning a wedding. >> that's right. a cincinnati couple came up with an inexpensive spot to exchange their vows -- their local gas station. the venue was not just a random choice. it's where they met a few years ago. they have been filling up on love ever since. isn't that sweet. >> very, very cool. >> keeping it real. i like that. >> like it. they met right there. more "world news now" when we come right back. ♪ en we come right back.
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♪ well you might remember a few months back we went on and on and on about prince william and kate's royal wedding. guess what?
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it's back. >> we know you are so excited about this, rob. >> so tired. >> we now have a behind the scenes look at how the wedding came together including the role the queen mom had in the planning. >> reporter: how do you plan your big day when your grandmother is the queen? treading very carefully it seems. in a rare and candid interview for an upcoming book about the queen, the prince dishes for the first time about negotiating those wedding details. faced with the official guest list and not knowing anyone on it, prince william remembered the moment say, "i looked at it in absolutely horror and said "i think we should start again." so, what did the prince do? he called the queen and said, do we need to be doing this? and she said, no, start with your friends first and then go from there. >> clearly her grandson is very, very important. she saw this ultimately as his wedding day. >> reporter: who could argue
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with her majesty, but he didn't always get his way. william wanted to choose which uniform to wear for the big day, grandma said, no way. "i was given a categorical, no, you'll wear this." the prince describes his grandmother as incredible. he talks about the recent tour she made to ireland, her first as sovereign. he was watching this on the internet from his honeymoon and just said how proud he was of his grandmother. which i thought was, normal isn't it, what we would have done. >> reporter: as for the second in line to the throne he is quite happy with what little private life he and the duchess have at the moment. concentrating on his career, rather than being a king. that he says, can wait until he is a bit older. abc news, london. >> yeah, apparently he doesn't like to worry about when he will be king. >> good. a very tough life. yeah, good he doesn't worry about that. oh, yes. of course, i was at the wedding. >> yes, there you are, rob, the rightful heir to the throne. >> cheerio.
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a lovely time had by all at the wedding. that's me checking out pippa's butt. hey, girl. >> i like your ruffle. >> puffy shirt. like the puffy shirt. >> all right, coming up. celebrating bands that had only limited success. >> but their one hit wonders did break musical ground and still have us singing all along. you're watching "world news now." we'll be right back. ♪ sometimes i feel i've got to sometimes i feel i've got to ♪ cc
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♪ sometimes i feel i've got to >> back in may, readers of
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"rolling stone" magazine picked the top ten, one hit wonders of all time. sunday marked a day we had to celebrate. >> it was national one-hit wonder day. >> back in may, readers of "rolling stone" magazine picked the top ten, one hit wonders of all time. start with the bottom half of the dubious list. tanya, honors are yours. >> 10, the vapors, turning japanese. number nine, the mysterians, 96 tears. and chumbawumba, tubthumping. blind melon, no rain. and the knack, my sharona. >> there is not a ballroom in the country that doesn't hear that one. >> classic.
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>> top five, in case you are wondering. number five, soft sail, "tainted love." ♪ got to ♪ run away >> girl, get into it. then coming at number four. i didn't think i heard this. big country, the group is big country, song is "in a big country." didn't ring a bell with me. take a listen. >> maybe hear it and hopefully ring a bell. ♪ without a reason another promise ♪ >> ring a bell to you? >> yes, yes it does. >> number three. the song is called "spirit in the sky." >> this one i am not familiar with. >> we should know these. we should recognize these songs. ♪
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>> this is going back. >> this is going back. >> the 70s. >> oh, now i know the song. now i know the song. of course. of course. >> number two, midnight runners. ♪ come on eileen i love this song. >> this is a dirty song. >> it is dirty? ♪ come on eileen >> and then, number one of all time, ah-ha, "take on me." the number one one hit wonder of all time. ah-ha "take on me." ♪ we'll let that song take the good folks out there to commercial break. we all love our one-hit wonders. more from abc next. ♪ take me on ♪ we all love our one-hit wonders. more from abc next. ♪ take me on
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>> ha-ha. finally, time for insomniac theater. as you saw "the lion king" in 3d roared to the top of the box office. >> i saw it. big hit. coming in at second place with over $20 million was brad pitt's baseball movie "money ball." it's received oscar buzz. we sent our digital news associate, jackie fernandez to see if it lives up to the hype. >> definitely lives up to the hype. based on a true story, stars brad pitt as billy bean, general manager of the oakland as. a small market team. their players are constantly scalped by larger teams. because of that he wants to challenge the way of baseball. thinks of newt way, teams up with jonah hill to become, come up with a mathematical equation to rate players based on whether they can score runs, stay on base. the players are totally
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disregarded by scouts. because of that they totally throw baseball's game for a loop. and this movie is not just for baseball lovers, for everyone. so let's hear what some of the people had to say. >> i really liked it. really funny in some parts. >> trading players and cutting players, how that goes on. that was very interesting to see. >> there were some funny parts. and there were some stupid parts that i didn't understand because like i'm a kid. >> i don't understand about baseball, and it was still entertaining. >> a little confusing in the beginning. i actually got it in the end. >> you don't need to know baseball to watch it. you really -- you will enjoy it very much. >> so, it's true. you really don't need to know baseball in order to understand and like this movie. if you are a baseball fan, you will love the movie. if you are not, like me, you still will like it. you will still enjoy it. brad pitt plays the underdog, he plays someone who challenges everything everyone is saying. follows his gut. takes a chance in spite of everyone doubting him. thinking he is crazy. something so inspirational. >> a lot of oscar buzz.
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is he good in this movie? >> he was so good, you get lost in his acting, like you forget he was part of brangelina. he was so good, i gave it four stars out of five. >> four out of five. >> there were kids there, you interviewed, were there kids in the audience? >> so many kids in the audience. these kids were baseball fans. this is honestly their "harry potter," i was like, did you understand this? they were like yeah, we read the book. we know everything about baseball. how could you find it confusing? >> not to me. >> glad you enjoyed it. >> really did. thank you, guys.
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this morning on "world news now" -- prison nightmares. american hiker shane bauer and josh fattal open up and let everyone know what happened in that notorious iranian jail. >> they're back home in the u.s. this morning where they are sharing some of the secrets. it's monday, september 26th.
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good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm tanya rivero. both fattal and bauer say they had no idea they were about to be released last week until an envoy from oman showed up and told them it was time to go. learn what terror they lived through while finding ways to cope in prison. >> amazing story. also this morning, new jersey governor chris christie insists he will not run for president despite growing pressure from the gop. republicans, at this point, they need a clear front-runner after last week's very lackluster debate according to some. >> it is still wide open. a lot of surprises there. >> yes, the straw poll in florida this weekend -- total shocker there. total shocker. >> yes, herman cane.
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>> strange days. later this half-hour, talk about big hair. this woman in louisiana is going into the record books. because she has the biggest afro in the world. that's pretty amazing stuff there, right there. love it. >> look at that. that's a hairdo. get to that story in a minute. >> bringing it back. >> bringing it back. finally free to speak their minds the hikers are blasting iran over their imprisonment. >> describing the terrible conditions. with the details. >> reporter: josh fattal and shane bauer are finally home. they arrived in new york sunday morning. for the first time the two men talked about their imprisonment. >> we heard the screams of other prisoners being beaten and there was nothing we could do to help them. >> the two court sessions we attended were a total sham. they were made up, ridiculous lies. >> reporter: shane bauer and joshua fattal ordeal began in july 2009 when they and sarah shourd were detained after mistakenly crossing the iran/iraq border.
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all three accused of illegal entry and espionage. shourd was released a year ago leaving her fiance bauer and fattal in tehran. >> i felt it was very wrong. walking off the plane alone. >> reporter: last year, the men were sentenced to eight years in prison the wednesday prison guards gave fattal and bauer street clothes and led them to meet a visitor, an envoy from oman. the gulf state was in strew mental in securing their freedom on $1 million bail. the men expressed gratitude but had strong words for their captors. >> hostage is the most accurate term because despite certain knowledge of our innocence, the iranian government has tied our case to its political disputes with the u.s. >> abc news, new york. >> wow. >> sarah shourd said bauer was
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beaten and fattal thrown down a flight of stairs. >> the things they must have endured for two years. the longer they're out, the more details we'll hear. i'm sure there will be a movie, a book, and hear more about what they endured for two years. lucky they're at home. >> 100%. so glad they're here. so now moving on to the economy and latest fears weighing down global markets. stocks in asia fell as investors worried about the prolonged debt crisis in europe, particularly greece. isuzu, panasonic, sharp, among the companies hard hit in today's trading. last week the dow lost nearly 6.5%. the worst showing since the depth of the financial crisis three years ago. to politics now, new jersey's governor, chris christie, who is feeling some intense pressure this morning to get into the presidential race. he is refusing to run so far, but he is hitting the road to raise money for the gop. with more on this here is abc's john hendren. >> reporter: as they survey the 2012 presidential field for the republican party senior
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republicans are expressing one theme -- disappointment. >> these are very weak front-runners. >> rick perry is not prepared for the -- the pressure of the presidential stage yet. >> front-runner perry entered the weekend's straw poll heavily favored. he left humbled, a distant second to herman cain. that's the guy from godfather's pizza. romney, the early front-runner, took third place, struggling to muster enthusiasm of gop voters. republican disarray is so intense after perry imploded those close to new jersey governor chris christie say there is new pressure from party leaders to recruit him to run. though he told abc's diane sawyer back in april he is not interested. >> you are still saying categorically not running. >> i'm not running for president. >> categorically not running. >> don't know how else to put it diane, the answer is no. >> reporter: sources close to christie say he has been besieged by big named republicans urging him to run. he's been telling them he's not
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interested in joining the fray. the fact that senior party leaders are asking him to, speaks volumes. john hendren, abc news, washington. new york's police commissioner now admits he turned the fight on terrorism into a major priority after 9/11. ray kelly told cbs last night the nypd could not rely on the federal government to combat terrorists without divulging -- terrorists. without divulging details, the nypd has the ability to take down a plane. the nypd also set up radiation detectors and surveillance cameras across city. >> six men due in court tomorrow in london charged with involvement in a terror bomb plot. the six arrested last monday. police say two of the men were planning a bombing campaign. one of the suspects accused of helping recruits travel to pakistan for terrorism training. in southern california, a beer heist turned into a comedy of errors starring three bungling, 19-year-olds. by the time it was all over they managed to put themselves through an obstacle course that ended with one of them completely covered in bubbles. details from alex michaelson.
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>> reporter: it's a mug shot that's hard to forget. two 19-year-olds stumbled into this grocery store after one beer run hours before. this surveillance video shows them heading past the cash register towards the liquor aisle where they each picked up a 30 pack of texate. victor oliver orosco followed the couple as one dropped the 30 pack behind and both teens ran out of the door with plenty of employees following. one was caught, dragged back in the store by employees to await police. but the other, still carrying a 30 pack, jumped into a waiting car driven by andy wynn. when arasco stepped in front to stop them, winn kept on driving. >> this thing looked like a movie. i was on top of the hood telling the guy, stop, stop. you could see his eyes like real
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big like that, i'm not going to stop for anything. >> reporter: the car tried to drive through the del taco but crashed into this tree. orosco was thrown off. >> these are the scratches from when i laid down. laying down on the floor. >> reporter: the suspect got away by jumping over this fence. as he ran from the del taco he was looking for somewhere to go, so he headed in here. >> he got into the car wash. he was all wet and soapy. >> after running through all of that he finally got to the end of the tunnel and found police officers. >> when you look at the totality of it, it was like the three stooges. only thing missing is curly. but, in essence this is a very serious matter. >> the two suspects are now facing felony charges. alex michaelson, for abc news. >> how's that for a mug shot? >> if you are not convinced how dumb these three really are, the getaway driver actually got away at first, got out of the
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car, but left the wallet with his id in the car and once they found that they were able to convince him to surrender. >> 19-year-old boys. i feel like a lot of parents are saying, ooh, is this something my kid might do? it's sort of, so stupid on so many levels. >> i'm offended they were going after the cheap beer. go after the guinness. have some taste. they don't go for the good stuff. >> goodness, gracious. here is your monday forecast. wet, windy, seattle to portland. showers, thunderstorms along the gulf coast, florida, georgia, carolinas. rain st. louis to green bay and from nashville to cleveland, humid, summer-like in the northeast. >> 81, new york. 79, baltimore. detroit, 73, phoenix hits 98. albuquerque, 84. 56 in seattle. and 77 in boise. and some unusually cool and cloudy weather in san diego this weekend. posed no problems for contestants in one of the nation's largest surfing
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competitions. >> that's because they're dogs. about 80 of them in fact all panting for a chance to grab their boards and hit the waves. they showed they could do a lot more than just doggy paddle. a few of them. whoa. >> he is a better surfer than i am. the competition raised $100,000 for orphaned pets. and the winner, jack russell terrier, buddy, that must be buddy, taken home the prize five out of the last six years. born surfer. who knew? >> and i can't even body surf or whatever. these dogs put me to shame. >> humiliating that we are showing this. i mean, my goodness. >> congratulations to the dogs. >> backwards surfing! wow. that's some talent. >> we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this. ♪ this. ♪ we'll all be gone for the summer we're on safari ♪ we'll all be gone for the summer we're on safari ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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♪ ♪ because tonight tonight tonight oh ♪ >> getting a little phil collins in the house. >> middle of the night. >> monday morning. >> that's right. new orleans is known as the crescent city as rob knows. it is famous for its food and partying but now they have one more accolade. >> new orleans is now the proud home of the world's biggest afro. it took the woman 12 years to grow it. wgno's kenny lopez has more. >> reporter: when you have the world's largest afro it is not always easy to pick it. >> of course. >> reporter: "the guiness book of world records" picked her for
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her full fro. >> very random. my little sister put a picture of me on facebook. from one night when we went out, and a friend saw it. she suggest i'd go try out for it. i put my picture up. guinness contacted me. >> reporter: she works in a group home for women with disabilities shares the prestigious honor of being included in the book of world records with the likes of the senior citizen with the most piercings, and the woman with the smallest waist. >> that whole "guinness world records" thing is just a whole bunch of people from all over the world. when i started talk to them. it's from everywhere. to be included it's an honor. >> just how big is the world's largest afro? we're going to find out. >> last year when it was measured in october, 2010, it measured 4'4" around in circumference which they said at the time is two times larger than the u.k. soccer ball -- no, which is football, which is soccer ball down there. that would give you just about
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how big it is. >> how is my fro? >> nice. >> reporter: i like yours better. for 12 years she's been growing it out and washes it two to three times a week. >> what kind of hair stands up on its own. it's like a crown. i'm liking the responses i'm getting from little black girls who want to wear their hair in an afro. actually all little girls. >> reporter: and being with her is a hair raising experience for her boyfriend. >> i love it. it's fun to play with. always amazing when i see her do it. it just goes from so small to so big. >> reporter: huge hair which sometimes causes trouble. >> sometimes it gets in the way. just once i slammed it in the car door. >> reporter: one thing she wants everyone to know, her hair may be large, but she is still in charge when it comes to touching it. >> it doesn't bother me if you ask. bothers me if you don't ask. >> don't touch unless you get permission. >> one more reason i love new orleans.
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there you go. >> think she's got competition there. >> found our picture from the office christmas party. i look under the influence. >> we should do the show that way one day. wouldn't that be interesting what response we would get. >> ratings would -- >> skyrocket. >> the hair, five feet around. how do you sleep? does it get in the way in the car. >> in the doors. >> you know, go for it. >> keep some birds in there, little nests. love it. love it. >> mardi gras beads. coming up now, who is calling kate hudson a spoiled brat and man hater. >> you'll be surprised. kat von d and jesse james make another decision about their relationship. get the scoop in "the skinny" coming up. d and jesse james make another decision
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♪ skinny >> all right. ♪ skinny >> all right. we'll start the week with kind of a sad skinny story. some of you may remember 14-year-old jamey rodemeyer, took his life a week ago, apparently the victim of
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bullying. lady gaga was one of the icons he wrote on line, he looked up to. so this just the other day, lady gaga was performing in the i heart radio music festival in las vegas and dedicated her song "hair" to jamey rodemeyer. >> jamey, i know you're up there looking on us, and you are not a victim, you are a lesson to all of us. ♪ that this is my prayer ♪ >> the police department is investigating whether charges can be brought against the three unnamed teens who have been known to be bullying rodemeyer. a big fan of lady gaga. one of his postings. lady gaga makes me so happy. she lets me know i was born this way. >> in light of this case, young folks being bullied because they are gay. this head become one of her
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issues now. she says she wants to meet with the president. wants to fight to make bullying a crime, make it illegal. she is waging war against this whole thing, she's serious. >> kat von d and jesse james, america's favorite couple. they are split up again. they called off their engagement. she told "people" magazine, it was clear we were on two different paths on life. my friend put it best when he said i could never be more deserving of total, noble love. as a woman, it is important to know your value and never lose sight of that. this sterling couple calling it quits. >> can't keep track of those two. on again/off again. after a while you are like who cares? whatever. >> yes. >> guess who is coming out and saying pretty nasty things about kate hudson?
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her father. bill hudson has penned a scandalous tell-all called "two versions: the other side of fame and family." he goes on in the book to depict how his now-31-year-old daughter is a ravid man-eater and attacks her for not visiting her dying 88-year-old grandmother. >> what dad would write a tell-all about the daughter? that's suspect. >> maybe he needs money. >> speaking of money. radaronline reporting, sarah palin offered $1 million, she and todd, to take a polygraph test to dispute charges in the joe mcginnis book. specifically that she cheated on todd back in the day. sure they're not going to do it, but big bucks, will she do it? will she run? all these questions. >> $1 million. >> $1 million. all these questions. >> $1 million.
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here are some stories to watch today on abc news -- closing arguments resume in the amanda knox case in italy. her legal team trying to overthrow the american student's murder conviction. the verdict expected early next month. president obama on the west
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coast this morning. he will lead a linkedin town meeting today and attend fundraisers in california. boeing is celebrating the delivery of its first 787 dreamliner, that giant jet is flown to tokyo tomorrow. finally, imagine strapping on wings, jumping out of a perfectly good helicopter and taking aim at a mountain. >> crazy stuff. this may sound like a scene from a wile e. coyote cartoon. it is real. ads i found out, it was part of a plan for a very brave american stunt man. >> oh. >> he has done it again. that superstar daredevil, jeb correlis, jumping from 6,000 feet toward and then through, that's right, through this mountain in central china on saturday. making him the first wing suit man to fly in the country. >> this was life and death. this was super-duper hard core. it was terrifying.
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i haven't been that terrified in, i don't think i have ever been that terrified. >> the archway he glide ed through is 100 feet wide which left little wiggle room between his soaring dreams and certain death. the latest and most daring stunt yet for the 35-year-old man who has also gambled with his life by jumping off the eiffel tower in paris, the space needle, and the twin towers in malaysia. >> i think coverage comes from a person who acts despite his fear. >> his motivation is a mix of dreams and darkness. as the a little boy he marveled at birds and yearned to fly. as the a teenager he slipped into depression. >> if i wanted to die, i was going to do something with my death. something special. >> in flirting with death he has found new passion for life. he practiced for the china jump by leaping from a 7,000-foot cliff in switzerland and dreams of one day landing in his wing suit without a parachute like the one that carried him safely on to a bridge this weekend. for him, it is more than about just adrenaline, the rush of living a daring life. >> whoa.
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does that guy have a death wish or what? >> his background, he really is -- this strange motivational mix. he loves the birds. but then also had this really nasty bout of depression. this is how he kind of brought himself back up through this fight. it is incredible. >> he says if you are going to go, might as well go out with a bang. so far he has not gone. >> no bang, no splat. >> stick around, superman. good luck, dude. >> stick around, superman.
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making news this morning. playing politics. >> d.c. deja vu. a visit call vote today to keep the government from running out of money.


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